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Building a windmill in Africa from scrap

"William Kamkwamba of Malawi didn't let famine stop his goal of getting an education, and using scrap, he built windmills to bring irrigation and power to his village"

Category: Energy sources


TEDGlobal: The genius of the natural world

"From bacteria-free surfaces based on shark skin to carbon-sequestering cement, Janine Benyus says humanity should look to nature for technological inspiration"

Category: Climate Change


US car manufacturers plough a lonely furrow on biofuels

"The US Environmental Protection Agency wants to boost the ethanol blend in fuels in a misguided bid to cut emissions"


Amateur astronomer spots Earth-size scar on Jupiter

"Australian man alerts Nasa to hole in planet's atmosphere caused by comet or asteroid crash"

Category: Space


Prius takes a ride to the US aboard solar-powered container ship

"As the manufacturer of the world's most famous hybrid car, it seems only fitting that Toyota has now begun shipping its Prius cars to the US using a container ship that could also qualify as a hybrid."

Displaying results 1086 to 1090 out of 2977